Blaine County
Early in-person voting Oct 15- Nov 1, 8am-5pm, on the first floor of the Blaine County Courthouse.
24/7 absentee ballot drop-box located behind the Blaine County Courthouse.
Jerome County
Early in-person voting Oct 15- Nov 1, 8:30am-5pm, at the Jerome County Courthouse.
24/7 absentee ballot drop-box located behind the Jerome County Courthouse.
Lincoln County
Early in-person voting Oct 21- Nov 1, 8am-5pm, at the Lincoln County Courthouse.
You may return absentee ballots during early in-person voting.
Voting Resources
I’ve compiled some helpful links and FAQs so you have everything you need to make your vote count.
Issues at the polls? Call the Vote 411 Election Hotline
1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance)
1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic)
Frequently Asked Questions
If I request an absentee ballot, can I still vote in person?
Yes! If you request an absentee ballot and decide you’d like to vote in person on Election Day, you can take your ballot into your polling place and they will give you a new ballot to vote there.
How do I return my absentee ballot?
You need to sign your ballot envelope before you turn it in!
Once you sign, you can mail your ballot (I recommend mailing by Oct 25 - ballots have to be in-hand at the county Elections’ offices by the time the polls close. Ballots postmarked by November 5 will not count if the Elections office doesn’t have them.)
If you live in Blaine or Jerome County, you may return your signed and sealed absentee ballot to a 24/7 ballot drop box located outside your County Courthouse. Blaine, Lincoln, and Jerome County Courthouses will also accept absentee ballots during early in-person voting.
Where do I vote on Election Day?
Can I register to vote at the polls?
Yes! You will go to the polling place for your address and tell them you need to register to vote. You will need to bring an approved form of photo ID and proof of residency (like a utility bill) if the address on your ID does not match your current address.
What do I need to bring to the polls?
If you are already registered to vote, you do not need to bring an ID. You can sign an affidavit instead of providing an ID.
If you’re not already registered and will be registering at the polls, bring a valid photo ID and proof of residency.
Has the county received my absentee ballot?
When should I expect my ballot?
The county has already started mailing absentee ballots! Ballots will be sent out on a rolling basis as you request it through the deadline. You should expect to receive your ballot in 7-10 days after requesting it. You can also track your ballot to see when it was sent and received.